musa shareef
4 min readMay 9, 2021


August 2018

Dear Mommy, I love you. You were the first person to know I existed. To know I was growing. You loved me before I loved myself, which always takes people a while. You are the beginning of my world and the end of it.

I realize that birth hurt you in the beginning, but I will always try my best to love you back for it.

I’m freestyling when I write this, it all comes from my heart.

I mean every word, and I cry while writing this.

Sometimes I cannot comprehend how much you love me, and I could never outdo your love. You are first in my memory, the first to put a shirt over my head. The first to calm me down before my first train ride. I was so scared. The first to give me a nickname, Doddy.

I owe all of my past present and future success to you. Through you, I perceive the mercy of Allah. Through you, I understand true love. After you, I will mimic the love I give to others. I love you so much. And insha’Allah this letter reaches you before one of our times is up, and thank God for allowing me to express my love to you in time. This is long overdue.

You are so funny!

You’ve made me laugh more than anyone else, cheered me up when I needed it. I get my humor from you. When I was sick as a child, you would comfort me. I found my strength in you and wondered why you rubbed my head even though you could get sick too. You made so many sacrifices for our family. You gave up your career many times to expand our beautiful family.

I thank you for giving me my beautiful, funny, loving, strong sisters. And Amaan is a true blessing from you.

You are so responsible, where did you get this wisdom?

Many parents have raised their children irresponsibly, and I always tell my friends “I think my parents are perfect, they raised me perfectly.” What grandchildren you will have! I have the example of you to follow after.

You are beautiful, you gave me great features!

Great hair! Great style! You dress so well. Thank you for spoiling me. Showering me with so many things well beyond what I needed. Paying so much for my tuition. No matter how much they threw at us. So many people I know whose parents are not able or willing to pay for their education. Wow.

What faith you have in me.

I will also invest in my children insha’Allah.

What better mother to have than a black woman? A strong black woman. I am so proud of you for managing and organizing our family for the goal of buying a home. You have truly reached the American Dream. Because of your determination, our family has made it. I will be sure to build on this legacy.

I am proud of you for finding a passion. I know those foster kids will be in great hands. You have so much love to give. Wow. Thank you for being my mother.

Your love is like the sun

Your children are Earths that orbit you

And somehow your love shines on all of us at once

Our orbits condition us to love others that may orbit us

And we can only learn that from you

Where did you learn to love so well?

I hope we can orbit you forever

And we will find our love in you forever

Even if you or me

is not here

I love you Mommy

Cheers to 42!


من موسى

August 2018

Express your love while they are still here.

I want to share an ayah from the Quran that my mother shared with us a day before she passed.

She said it gave her peace.

Surah Al-Bakarah 2:213–2:214

To God we belong

And to him we shall return

